Sunday, November 8, 2009

Vcr Engine Useful And Enlightening What Ever Happened To The "Heat Differential" Engine?

What ever Happened To The "Heat Differential" engine? - vcr engine useful and enlightening

A type of engine you can use any heat source you use a temperature difference between inner and outer core. The theory is designed so that while the internal combustion engine Betamax and VHS vs. .. But probably a little heat with wood, namely, coal, etc. .., not only for petrol .. Just wondering. Would be nice to have followed this path (as with Betamax VCR, the better), but ..


hithere2... said...

The pound sterling was invented in 1816 and has been tinkering. This link has good information:


The pound sterling is still in many programs, but why not take the place of the units in cars, trucks, planes and trains are not told. I'm sure the logistics have to be overcome, perhaps the weight and / or space, is probably a large part of the costs, but the energy cost of funds, without doubt, the American way and the amount may reach a solution, unless , Al Gore, with its programs and clubs progress, successful as he and his companions we have on behalf of the "environmentalist" drilling or extraction of resources rely on our own soil.

hithere2... said...

The pound sterling was invented in 1816 and has been tinkering. This link has good information:


The pound sterling is still in many programs, but why not take the place of the units in cars, trucks, planes and trains are not told. I'm sure the logistics have to be overcome, perhaps the weight and / or space, is probably a large part of the costs, but the energy cost of funds, without doubt, the American way and the amount may reach a solution, unless , Al Gore, with its programs and clubs progress, successful as he and his companions we have on behalf of the "environmentalist" drilling or extraction of resources rely on our own soil.

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