Sunday, February 14, 2010

Garrotes How To Make A Series Of Questions For Intellectuals.?

A series of questions for intellectuals.? - garrotes how to make

1.) Who is your favorite (fictional) the nature of espionage, with the exception of James Bond, and where I can a book about his exploits

2) I read somewhere that in one case, an example of the rebellion to make, were groups of soldiers forced to choose which group should be murdered. Where can I find more of these psychological techniques in the manipulation of others.

3.) Requires a comprehensive and detailed terms of military art, field units, tactics and weapons.

4.) How long does it take for the average person to take () by today's standards, learning a new language, books and similar materials.

5.) What technology is used to have a permanent enemy on the balcony of a hotel (very frequented) by tourists, silently and without any warning of their presence. Feel free to use a weapon, as well as wire or shooting.

Please identify the question which answer you choose, in this format:

#.) Blah, blah, blah


Matthew B said...

# 2 Read the stories of the Chinese emperors and Japanese Nepoleon Bonapard was for clever tactics and a strict control known.
# 3 Talk to ROTC or National Guard Armory that both have this information. probably with a view to inlistment secular purposes.
# 5 Intel incomplete. Are you in the room or on the street? If the room and strangle him in a bathrobe or a small blade below the spine of the occipital lobe at the highest point (or even reduce shrinkage) when I was a high-injection could be administered by kurrare Darts (Quick rest not) and I think I could choose a neurotoxin less cliché.
We hope that this was useful, stay cool!

§illyne§... said...

Sorry, but only seems to have a laugh because you are looking for intellectuals on Yahoo! Answers.


I'm going.

Bruce M said...

I do not feel comfortable answering your questions because it sounds as if you're a terrorist, or who aspire to a wannabe were mercenaries.

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